主要从事植物群落生态学,湿地生态学和全球变化生态学方面的研究。先后承担和参与国内外重点生态学研究项目6项,发表研究论文37篇,23篇被SCI收录,目前有5篇代表性论文分别发表在生态学领域国际著名期刊 Global Change Biology,Ecology,Oikos,Oecologia 上。主持国家自然科学基金和天津市自然科学基金各1项,校级科研项目2项。
1. Guo H,C Weaver,S P Charles,A Whitt,S Dastidar,P D’Odorico,J D Fuentes,J S Kominoski,A R Armitage,S C Pennings. Coastal regime shifts:rapid responses of coastal wetlands to changes in mangrove cover. Ecology,2017,98(3):762-772.
2. Guo H,L Guan,Y Wang,L Xie,C M Prather,C Liu,C Ma. Grazing limits natural biological controls of woody encroachment in Inner Mongolia Steppe. Biology Open,2017,6:1569-1574.
3. Guo H,S A Chamberlain,E Elhaik,I Jalli1,A Lynes,L Marczak,N Sabath,A Vargas,K Więski,E M Zelig,S C Pennings. Geographic variation in plant community structure of salt marshes:species,functional and phylogenetic perspectives. Plos One,2015,10(5):e0127781.
4. Guo H,K Więski,Z Lan,S C. Pennings. Relative influence of deterministic processes on structuring marsh plant communities varies across an abiotic gradient. Oikos,2014,123(2):173-178.
5. Guo H,Y Zhang,Z Lan,S C Pennings. Biotic interactions mediate the expansion of black mangrove (Avicennia germinans) into salt marshes under climate change. Global Change Biology,2013,19(9):2765-2774.
6. Guo H,S C Pennings. Mechanisms mediating plant distributions across estuarine landscapes in a low-latitude tidal estuary. Ecology,2012,93:90-100.
7. Guo H,S C Pennings. Post-mortem ecosystem engineering by oysters creates habitat for a rare marsh annual plant Suaeda linearis. Oecologia,2012,170:789-798.
8. Więski K,H Guo,C Craft,S C Pennings. Ecosystem functions of tidal fresh,brackish and salt marshes on the Georgia coast. Estuaries and Coasts,2010,33:161-169.
9. Craft C,J Clough,J Ehman,S Joye,R D Park,S C Pennings,H Guo,M Machmuller. Forecasting the effects of accelerated sea-level rise on tidal marsh ecosystem services. Frontiers in Ecology and the Environment,2009,7(2):73-78.
10. Guo H,Y Gao,C Ma,A Ren,J Wu,Y Wang. Studies on genetic diversity and genetic relationship of Caragana microphylla,Caragana davazamcii and Caragana korshinskii in Inner Mongolia Plateau. Acta Ecologica Sinica (International Journal),2008, 28 (8):3729-3736.