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2020-10-15 14:51  








1. 国家自然科学基金青年基金项目——锌铁转运蛋白SmZIP8提高镉转运能力及抗性的机制研究(批准号:31901184,主持),202001-202212

2. 天津市自然科学基金项目——旱柳对镉的耐性和解毒机理研究(批准号:17JCYBJC22500,主持),201704-202004

3. 国家自然科学基金项目——狭叶锦鸡儿的繁殖对策沿着气候干旱梯度的变异及其生态意义,201201-201512,参加

4. 国家自然科学基金项目——镉胁迫对杨树亚细胞结构、生理生化特征的影响及抗性机理研究(批准号:30972331,参加),201001-201212

5. 天津市高等学校科技发展计划项目——镉胁迫对毛葱生理生化指标的影响和细胞遗传效应,201110-201411,主持



1. Xue W.X., Jiang Y., Shang X.S., Zou J.H.* Characterisation of early responses in lead accumulation and localization of Salix babylonica L. roots. BMC plant biology, 2020, 20(1): 296.

2. Xue W.X., Jiang Y., Shang X.S., Zou J.H.* Effects of different concentrations cd on mineral accumulation and photosynthesis parameters in Salix matsudana Koidz. Fresenius Environmental Bulletin, 2020, 29(3): 1443-1451.

3. Shang X.S., Xue W.X., Jiang Y., Zou J.H.* Effects of Calcium on the Alleviation of Cadmium Toxicity in Salix matsudana and Its Effects on Other Minerals. Polish Journal of Environmental Studies, 2020, 29(2): 2001-2010.

4. Zhang H.M., Zou J.H.* Cellular Toxicity of Aluminum in Root Tips of Vicia faba L. Polish Journal of Environmental Studies, 2020, 29(2): 1451-1459.

5. Ou Y.J., Li B.B., Xue W.X., Jiang Y., Li C.H., Shang X.S., Zou J.H.* Cadmium uptake and accumulation, subcellular distribution and chemical forms in young seedlings of Salix babylonica L. Fresenius Environmental Bulletin, 2019, 28(5): 3637-3648.

6. Zou J.H., Shang X.S., Li C.H., Ou Y.J., Li B.B., Liu X.J. Effects of cadmium on mineral metabolism and antioxidant enzyme activities in Salix matsudana Koidz. Polish Journal of Environmental Studies, 2019, 28(2): 989-999.

7. Zou J.H., Wang G., Ji J., Wang, J.Y., Ou Y.J., Li B.B. Cadmium effects on the organization of microtubular cytoskeleton in root tips of Salix matsudana Koidz. Polish Journal of Environmental Studies, 2018, 27(2): 939-946.

8. Li B.B., Ou Y.J., Li C. H., Zou J.H.* Response to NaCl Stress in Seedlings of Salix matsudana Koidz. Polish Journal of Environmental Studies, 2018, 27(2): 753-762.

9. Ou Y.J., Li B.B., Li C. H., Zou J.H.* Cadmium Effects on Mineral Accumulation and Selected Physiological and Biochemical Characters of Salix babylonica, Polish Journal of Environmental Studies, 2017, 26(6): 2667-2676.

10. Zou J.H., Wang G., Ji J., Wang, J.Y., Wu H.F., Ou Y.J., Li B.B. Transcriptional, physiological and cytological analysis validated the roles of some key genes linked Cd stress in Salix matsudana Koidz. Environmental and Experimental Botany, 2017, 134: 116-129.

11. Wu H.F., Wang, J.Y., Ou Y.J., Li B.B., Jiang W.S., Liu D.H., Zou J.H.* Characterisation of early responses to cadmium in roots of Salix matsudana Koidz.  Toxicological & Environmental Chemistry, 2017, 99: 913–925.

12. Shi Q.Y.,Wang J.R., Jiang Z., Wu H.F., Wang, J.Y., Jiang W.S., Liu D.H.,Zou J.H.*. Effects of Cadmium on nucleolus in root tips of Hordeum vulgare. Botanical Sciences, 2017, 95(1): 93-102.

13. Wu H.F., Wang J.Y., Li B.B., Ou Y.J., Jiang W.S., Liu D.H., Zou J.H.*. Uptake and Accumulation of Cadmium and Relative Gene Expression in Roots of Cd-resistant Salix matsudana Koidz. Polish Journal of Environmental Studies, 2016, 25(6): 2717-2723.

14. Wu H.F., Wang J.Y., Li B.B., Ou Y.J., Wang J.R., Shi Q.Y., Jiang W.S., Liu D.H., Zou J.H.*. Salix matsudana Koidz Tolerance Mechanisms to Cadmium: Uptake and Accumulation, Subcellular Distribution, and Chemical Forms. Polish Journal of Environmental Studies, 2016, 25(4): 1739-1747.

15. Wu H.F., Wang J.Y., Ou Y.J., Li B.B., Jiang W.S., Liu D.H., Zou J.H.*. Cadmium uptake and localization in roots of Salix matsudana Koidz. Fresenius Environmental Bulletin, 2016, 25 (7): 2700-2706.

16. Liu X.J., Shi Q.Y., Zou J.H., Wang J.R., Wu H.F., Wang J.Y., Jiang W.S., Liu D.H.*. Chromosome and nucleolus morphological characteristics in root tip cells of plants under metal stress. Fresenius Environmental Bulletin. 2016, 25(7): 2419-2426.

17. Shi Q.Y., Wang J.R., Zou J.H., Jiang Z., Wu H.F., Wang J.Y.,Jiang W.S., Liu D.H.*. Cadmium localization and its toxic effects on root tips of barley. Zemdirbyste-Agriculture, 2016, 103(2): 151-158.

18. Shi Q.Y., Wang J.R., Zou J.H., Jiang Z., Wang J.Y., Wu H.F., Jiang W.S., Liu D.H.*. Cd Subcellular Localization in Root Tips of Hordeum vulgare. Polish Journal of Environmental Studies . 2016, 25( 2): 903-908.

19. Shi Q.Y., Wang J.R., Zou J.H., Jiang Z., Wang J.Y., Wu H.F., Jiang W.S., Liu D.H.*. Cadmium uptake and accumulation and its toxic effects on leaves in Hordeum vulgare. Fresenius Environmental Bulletin. 2015, 24 (12a): 4504-4511.

20. Jiao Y.Q., Zou J.H., Ge W., Jiang W.S., Liu D.H.*. Physiological and Ultrastructural effects of Cadmium on poplar (Populus ×euramericana) leaves. Baltic forestry, 2015, 21(1): 106-113.

21. Ge W., Jiao Y.Q., Zou J.H., Jiang W.S., Liu D.H.* Ultrastructural and photosysnthetis response of Populus 107 leaves to Cadmium stress. Pol. J. Environ. Stud. 2015, 24(2): 519-527.

22. Sun S., Li M., Zou J.H., Jiang W.S., Liu D.H.*. Cadmium effects on mineral accumulation, antioxidant defence system and gas exchange in cucumber. Zemdirbyste-Agriculture, 2015, 102( 2): 193-200.

23. Zhang H.N., Jiang Z., Zhang H.H., Zou J.H., Jiang W.S., Liu D.H.*. Aluminum can induce three Nucleolar proteins migrated from nucleolus to cytoplasm in root tips of Hordeum vulgare L[J]. Fresenius Environmental Bulletin, 2015, 24(4a): 1372-1379.

24. Wang J.R., Shi Q.Y., Zou J.H., Jiang Z., Wang J.Y., Wu H.F., Jiang W.S., Liu D.H.*. Celluar localization of Copper and its toxicity on root tips of Hordeum vulgare[J]. Fresenius Environmental Bulletin, 2015, 24(7): 2394-2405.

25. 薛文秀,尚晓硕,蒋艺,邹金华*. 铅胁迫对垂柳生长和光合生理特性的影响[J]. 天津师范大学学报(自然科学版), 2020, 40(3): 28-32.

26. 欧阳洁,李斌彬,王嘉玥,吴航枫,刘祥君,邹金华*. 镉胁迫对垂柳镉、铁和锰的吸收及部分生理指标的影响[J]. 天津师范大学学报(自然科学版), 2017, 37 (3): 37-41.

27. 李斌彬,欧阳洁,王嘉玥,吴航枫,刘祥君,邹金华*. NaCl 对旱柳生长发育及部分生理特性的影响[J]. 天津师范大学学报(自然科学版), 2017, 37(6): 37-42.


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