研究方向为草地生态学。主要从事内蒙古草原锦鸡儿属灌木分布格局、生理生态、繁殖生态和生态功能研究。以第一作者在BMC Plant Biology、Annals of Forest Science、Scientific Reports等刊物发表学术论文9篇,其中7篇SCI收录论文,总计影响因子20;另外以合作者发表论文10篇。
1. 基于种间相互作用的锦鸡儿属灌丛对草地群落结构的影响机制研究(批准号: 31901140),国家自然科学基金青年项目,2019-2022,主持。
2. 内蒙古草原锦鸡儿属重要物种的有性繁殖及其对气候干旱梯度和放牧管理的响应(批准号: 31570453),国家自然科学基金面上项目,2016-2019,第5位
3. 气候干旱梯度和放牧强度对狭叶锦鸡儿种子生产的影响,南开大学博士研究生科研创新计划项目,2016,主持
1. Xie L N, Guo H Y, Ma C C. (2016). Alterations in flowering strategies and sexual allocation of Caragana stenophylla along a climatic aridity gradient.Scientific Reports6,33602. SCI 二区, IF 5.228
2. Xie L N, Guo H Y, Liu Z, Gabler, C A, Chen W Z, Gu S, Ma C C. (2017). Shrubs facilitate recruitment of Caraganastenophylla Pojark: microhabitat amelioration and protection against herbivory.Annals of Forest Science 74(4), 70. SCI 二区, IF 2.101
3. Wang Z W#, Xie L N #, Prather M C, Guo H Y, Han G D, Ma C C (2018).What drives the shift between sexual and clonal reproduction of Caragana stenophylla along a climatic aridity gradient? BMC Plant Biology, 18(1), 91. SCI 二区, IF 3.964, #共同第一作者
4. Xie L N, Guo H Y, Chen W Z, Liu Z, Gu S, Ma C C. (2018). Effects of grazing on population growth characteristics of Caragana stenophylla along a climatic aridity gradient. Rangeland Ecology & Management71:98-105.SCI 三区, IF 1.940
5. Xie L N, Guo H Y, Gabler C A, Li Q F, Ma C C. (2015). Changes in spatial patterns of Caragana stenophylla along a climatic drought gradient on the Inner Mongolian Plateau.Plos One,10(3), e0121234. SCI 三区, IF 3.534
6. Xie L N, Chen W Z, Gabler C A, Han L, Guo H Y, Chen Q, Ma C C, Gu S. (2016). Effects of grazing intensity on seed production of Caragana stenophylla along a climatic aridity gradient in the Inner Mongolia Steppe, China.Journal of Arid Land,8(6), 890-898. SCI 四区, IF 1.796
7. Xie L N,Ma C C, Guo H Y, Li Q F, Gao Y B. (2014). Distribution pattern of Caragana species under the influence of climate gradient in the Inner Mongolia region, China. Journal of Arid Land, 6 (3): 311-323. SCI四区, IF 0.793
8. 解李娜,魏亚冉,马成仓,李清芳,高玉葆。(2015)内蒙古高原西部荒漠区四种锦鸡儿属植物水力结构变化的比较研究。生态学报,35(6), 1672-1678.
9. 解李娜,魏亚冉,李清芳,满良,马成仓。(2012)柠条锦鸡儿不同部位茎段水力结构特征的比较研究。天津师范大学学报(自然科学版), 32(2),66-68.