邮箱: skylimin@tjnu.edu.cn
1 Min Li, Yixin Yang, Yonghong Yao, Weifang Xiang,Jiayi Han,Yonghui Wang,Penghua Bai,Jing Wang,Gengping Zhu,Liang Man, Fan Zhangand Lina Pan*. Isolation and identification of attractants from the pupae of three lepidopteran species for the parasitoid Chouioia cunea Yang. (2019)Pest Management Science. doi: 10.1002/ps.5724.
2 Lina Pan, MeiqiGuo, Xin Jin, Zeyang Sun, Hao Jiang, Jiayi Han, YonghuiWang, ChuncaiYan & Min Li * . Full-Length transcriptome Survey and expression Analysis of parasitoid Wasp Chouioia cunea upon Exposure to 1-Dodecene. Scientific Reports. (2019) 9:18167 | https://doi.org/10.1038/s41598-019-54710-0
3 Lina Pan, Weifang Xiang, Zeyang Sun, Yixin Yang, Jiayi Han, Yonghui Wang, Chuncai Yan, Min Li∗, CcOBP2 plays a crucial role in 3-carene olfactory response of the parasitoid wasp Chouioia cunea.Insect Biochemistry and Molecular Biology. (2019) 107(2020)103286
4. Lina Pan, Fengzhu Wang, Xinyue Zhang, Yanni Zhao, Gengping Zhu, Min Li*, Identification and characterization of heat shock proteins in a parasitic wasp Chouioia cuneae (Hymenoptera: Eulophidae), Entomological Research, 2018,48(3)145-155. doi: 10.1111/1748-5967.12251.
5. G. Zhu, L. Pan, Y. Zhao, X. Zhang, F. Wang, Y. Yu, W. Fan, Q. Liu, S. Zhang and Min Li*. 2017. Chemical investigations of volatile kairomones produced by Hyphantria cunea (Drury), a host of the parasitoid Chouioia cunea Yang. Bulletin of Entomological Research. doi:10.1017/S00074853160008332017 Apr;107(2):234-240.
6. Zhao Y, Wang F, Zhang X, Zhang S, Guo S, Zhu G, Liu Q , Min Li*. 2016. Transcriptome and Expression Patterns of Chemosensory Genes in Antennae of the Parasitoid Wasp Chouioia cunea. PLoS ONE 11(2): e0148159. doi:10.1371/journal.pone.0148159
7. Min Li, Liu Q, Xi L, Liu Y, Zhu G, Zhao Y, Bu W. 2014. Testing the potential of proposed DNA barcoding markers in Nezara virudula and Nezara antennata when geographic variation and closely related species were considered. Journal of Insect Science 14(79).
8. Min Li, Liu Q, Ke Y, Tian Y, Zhu G, Xie Q, Bu W. 2012. Biogeographical origin and speciation of the Anthocoris nemorum group. Journal of Insect Science 12:115.
9. Min Li, Xi L, Fan ZH, Hua JM, Niu CJ, Li CX, Bu WJ. 2010. Phylogeographic relationships of the southern green stink bug Nezara viridula (Hemiptera: Pentatomidae) Insect Science 17, 448–458.